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If you are a small business owner or trying to create a business but have no idea how to implement the resources, this is where I come in. I am a mother of two and a Virgo, which qualifies me a born pro multitasker, organizer, and a gift of creativity in my opinion that has been in the administration field for more than 30 years. So as an entrepreneur myself, I know how much time it takes to get through the phases of this amazing but time-consuming journey, and this where I can come in and assist you as your Virtual Assistant. Here you will find the services I can offer you to make life easier and what makes me different from most. I can help you cross off those tasks and create a system of success for the little things that can make a big difference.
Check out the details on this page in regards to my services, packages, and pricing. Then submit your information through my contact form!
Once I take a look at your form, I will then send over my schedule link to get a date and time on the calendar to chat over your goals and business needs!
After the call, I will create a proposal with the suggested package and contract start date. Then, we will sign a contract and get to work